Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Before I met Eric & before I got pregnant & before I became a mommy......the girls & I looked forward to Thursday. No, not to blog about what I was thankful for....but Thirsty Thursday. awwwww, how the times have changed. It started in our driveway on Sunset Dr. with a BBQ, rum & coke, & pink softball mits. We played softball on Thursday nights & along with softball came alcohol. lots of it. Well a might indulge in a glass of wine tonight but Thursdays are now to blog about this incredible life we live. What am I thankful for today? I'm thankful for these two guys
but thats a given. I'm thankful that there are 3 more weeks of school left. I'm thankful that I'm not pregnant. I'm thankful that I have an amazing sister-in-law who makes me go to the gym 3 times a week with her. talk about accountability. I'm so thankful that everyone in my life is healthy, happy, & has a job. I'm really thankful that Will slept from 7:30-4:30am the other night. What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can you hear me Blog? It's me, Fiona.

I'm BACK. Okay for reals this time! I re-arranged our spare bedroom so it has more of an "office" feel as well as making room to utilize it as a play room for Will. I WANT to blog, I want to share our life, the ups, downs, the calm between the storm, but somehow the past few months have slipped away from me. Whats new over here? mmmmm not to much....Will is about to turn 6 months old, I have 5 more weeks of class left, & I've been making it to the gym at least 3 days a week...& I've gained 5 lbs, dinner rarely gets on the table these days, our backyard is full of dog poop, my car hasn't been washed since Will was born, & laundry has piled up on our un-made bed. But everyday seems to get better. Its funny how priorities change when you have an infant pulling on your hair & sucking on your arm. I wouldn't change it for the world. Everynight when I rock Will to sleep I look as his little body laying across my lap. I remember when he barely made it across my chest. His little legs are all the way on my thighs & his 12 month sleepers are getting small. I have 3 huge bins of clothes he has outgrown but I think he is in a holding pattern on the weight gain. It seems to have slowed since 4 months. I have so many things to write about so I promise to be a good blogger from now on. But for right now I'm off to Crossfit so the hotel allows me by the pool in Hawaii = )

Thursday, April 8, 2010

like losing a friend

Okay well not quite. I did it. I deleted Facebook. There was no drama, no threats from the husband. Just too much on my plate. I constantly found myself wasting all day stalking friends I haven't seen since I wore that ugly blue cap & gown & drank beer behind haystacks. As if school, work, volunteering, being a wife, housecleaner, cook & oh ya...taking care of that monkey of a 5 month old wasn't enough. Facebook needed to come last but somehow the day before huge exams I found myself "oooooing & ahhhhing" over Kaitlyn's baby bump or Amanda's little girl Sienna. SO here I am....blogging for the first time in months & you will find me over here a lot more now. Wasting time. & I know you want to be updated with Will pictures so need not worry, that will happen on here as well = )